Project Center Administration Activity Center Global Settings tab

Use this activity center to manage and configure Project Center and its global settings. Global settings are settings that all Project Center users use throughout all projects.

This activity center is only available to Project Center administrators. Administrators are listed in the Licensing tab. If no administrators are listed, all Project Center users have administrative privileges until the first administrator is added.

Switching tabs does not update the information in this activity center. Click the button to get the latest information.

       Access Newforma Support

Click to open the Newforma support website.

       Return to My Project Center

Click to close this activity center and return to the My Project Center activity center.


Project Center Administration

Use the Global Settings tab to customize the global settings, which are the settings that are used by all Project Center users across all projects.

Mail Servers

Use this section to set up project email addressing and define an email server for all Project Center Servers.

Mail Server Address

The name of your company's email server.

Mailbox Access

Indicates whether the mail server is Microsoft Exchange or IMAP-based.

IMAP Folder Illegal Characters

The characters that are not allowed in IMAP folder names as set in the Configure Mail Server dialog box.


Click to open the Configure Mail Server dialog box to define an email server.


Click to open the Configure Mail Server dialog box to modify the selected email server.


Click to remove the selected email server.


Project Email Mailboxes

Use this section to link Project Center to the project email mailbox.

Mail Server

The corporate email server on which you created the mailbox.


The SMTP address of the mailbox that was created. For example,

Require Prefix

Indicates if the email sender is required to add a prefix to the beginning of the project email address.


The prefix that senders must add to the beginning of the project email address.


The email domain name (the name that follows the @ sign) in the project's email address.


Click to open the Configure Project Email Mailbox dialog box to link Project Center to the email mailbox on your corporate email server that will collect all email messages sent to each project's email address.


Click to open the Configure Project Email Mailbox dialog box to modify the link from Project Center to the email mailbox on your corporate email server that will collect all email messages sent to each project's email address.


Click to remove the selected project email mailbox.

Prevent Certain Email Message Classes from Filing

Mark this checkbox if you want to prevent filing of certain types of email messages to Project Center projects.


Click to open the Message Classes dialog box to define the message class you want to prevent from being filed.


Custom Project Activity Summaries

Use this section to add, modify, and configure project activity summary tabs. These customized tabs are added to the bottom section of the My Project Center activity center.


The name of the project activity summary. This is the name that will appear on the tab in the My Project Center activity center.


Indicates whether the project activity summary is active or inactive. If it is active, it is available to Project Center users. If it is inactive, it is not available to Project Center users.

Connection String

The connection string value to connect to the server and the database.

SQL Server

Indicates whether this project activity summary connects to a SQL server database.

SQL Statement

The SQL query that will retrieve activity summary data.

XSL File

The full path to the XSL style sheet file.


Click to open the Add Custom Project Activity Summary dialog box to create a new project activity summary.


Click to remove the selected project activity summary.


Click to open the Modify Custom Project Activity Summary dialog box to modify the selected project activity summary.

Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)

Use this section to configure the connection between Project Center and your EDMS.

Connection Name

The name given to the EDMS connection.

EDMS Server Type

The type of EDMS Server that Project Center is connected to.

Connection String

All of the combined values from the Connection Information section of the  Configure EDMS Server dialog box.


The name the Project Center Server uses to connect to the EDMS provider.

Uses Windows Authentication

        True indicates Windows Authentication is being used.

        False indicates EDMS Server Authentication is being used.


Click to open the Configure EDMS Server dialog box to add a connection between Project Center and an EDMS Server.


Click to open the Configure EDMS Server dialog box to modify the connection between Project Center and an EDMS Server.


Click to remove the connection between Project Center and the selected EDMS Server.

When removing a connection, make sure the EDMS is not in use by any Project Center projects. If it is in use, you cannot delete the connection.

Additional Settings

Stored Markup Preview Size

Enter the pixel size for previewing markups.

Use Email Links that are Compatible with Web Mail Clients

Mark this checkbox if you use a web email client such as Gmail. Enabling this feature prevents web email clients from removing hyperlinks to Project Center and Info Exchange in email reminders and notifications.  Important: You must restart the Newforma Project Center Server and all users must restart their Project Center clients after this feature is enabled.

Do not use this feature if you use Microsoft Exchange.

File transfers Through Outlook

For Attachments Larger Than nn MB, Send Via Info Exchange

To prevent sending large file attachments through Outlook, mark this checkbox and enter the size at which files will be re-directed and sent via Info Exchange instead of Outlook.

You should set this value either at or below your Microsoft Exchange server setting.

You must also set the Do Not Allow Transfers Larger Than nn MB option in the Project Center Administration Activity Center Servers tab.


Save Changes

Click to save any changes made in this tab.


Switching Project Center servers instantly

Click the icon in the lower left corner of the Project Center Administration activity center to switch the Project Center Server you are connected to. You can also type in the name of a server.  When a new project is opened or created, the server it is on is added to the list.

The home server location is determined by the name of the Project Center Server entered when Project Center was installed. This server is added to the registry. If your home location is not the same as the location of the Project Center Server for another project, it is not switched in the registry.


To access this activity center

Click Project Center Administration from the Tasks panel of the My Project Center activity center or from the Activities list, then click the Global Settings tab.


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