Project Center Tenth Edition Help  


Edit Settings for Document Control Properties dialog box

Use this dialog box to map Autodesk Revit parameters to Project Center record document properties via Newforma Project Information Link. To map items, do any of the following:

        Drag and drop the Revit parameters from the Revit Parameters (top) section to the white space in the Newforma Properties (bottom) section to create new mapped Newforma extended properties.

        Drag and drop a Revit parameter from the top section to a Newforma property in the bottom section to map the two items to each other.

        Select one or more Revit parameters from the top section and click Create Matching Extended Property to create new mapped Newforma extended properties.

Revit Parameters

This section lists the Revit parameters that you can map to the properties for the Project Center sheets below.

Create Matching Extended Property

Select one or more Revit parameters and click this button to open the Create Matching Extended Property dialog box to create new mapped Newforma extended properties.

1   Grayed out items have already been mapped and cannot be re-used. You must click Remove to delete the mapping between Revit parameter and the Newforma property from the bottom section to be able to use the Revit parameter again.

1   The extended properties created here are added to the Add/Modify a Record Document dialog box, and can be added as columns to the Document Control activity center.

Parameter Name

The name of the Revit parameter.


The category the Revit parameter belongs to.

Read Only

        Yes indicates the parameter cannot be written to from Project Center.

        No indicates you can read and write to the parameter.

Newforma Properties

This section lists the properties for Project Center sheets that you can map to the Revit parameters above.

Mapping Behavior

Select the direction in which to synchronize.

        Revit -> Newforma indicates the modified Revit parameter will be imported into the Newforma property.

        Newforma -> Revit indicates the modified Newforma property will be exported to the Revit parameter.

        None indicates the items will not be imported or exported.

1   1 For read-only Revit parameters, Newforma -> Revit is disabled.
For Newforma built-in types that are read only, Revit -> Newforma is disabled.
You cannot drag a Revit parameter that is read-only onto a Newforma built-in type that is read-only.

Group Name

Click to assign the selected Newforma property to an existing group from the list, or select Assign a Group Name from the drop-down list to open the User Defined Group Name dialog box to assign a new group name to the Newforma property.

1   Group Name applies to the Extended type only.


Click to open the Edit Sheet Property dialog box to edit the sheet's information.


Click to delete the mapping between the Revit parameter and the Newforma property from the bottom section to be able to use the Revit parameter again.


Revit Parameter

The names of the Revit parameters that will be mapped to or from the Newforma properties.

Mapping Behavior

Indicates whether the property values are imported into or exported from Project Center.

Newforma Property

The names of the properties of the Project Center sheets to be synchronized.

Group Name

The names of the groups to which the properties belong.

Applies to

Does not apply to this dialog box.


        Built-in indicates built-in Newforma properties for record documents from Project Center.

        Extended indicates custom properties added for sheets in Project Center.


Import from Project

Click to open the Select a Project dialog box to select another Project Center project from which to import mapping properties into the current project.

1   If the imported Newforma property already exists in the current project with a mapped Revit parameter, the existing mapping is replaced if you click Yes when the confirmation message appears. If you click No, the action is cancelled.

If the imported Newforma property already exists in the current project but is not mapped to a Revit parameter, the mapping is added.

If the imported Newforma property does not exist in the current project, the property and mapping are added.


To access this dialog box

Click Edit Settings from the Synchronize Sheets dialog box.