Project Center Tenth Edition Help  


Edit Meeting Type dialog box

Use this dialog box to edit a meeting type, which can then be selected for meeting minutes and the project timeline.


Enter a name for the meeting type.


Mark the checkboxes of the Project Timeline activity center locations in which you want to make the meeting type available:

  • Mark Display in Calendar View to display the meeting type in the Calendar view of the Project Timeline activity center.

  • Mark Display in Journal View to display the meeting type in the Journal view of the Project Timeline activity center.

Log in

        Select Meeting Minutes to make the meeting available from the Tasks panel of the Meeting Minutes activity center but not the Log view of the Project Timeline activity center.

        Select Timeline to make the meeting available from the Tasks panel of the Log view of the Project Timeline activity center but not the Meeting Minutes activity center.

Default Color

Assign a color to represent the meeting type from the drop-down list. The color is used to represent the meeting in the Project Timeline activity center and on Info Exchange.


Click to open the Choose Keywords dialog box to apply keywords to this meeting type.


To access this dialog box

Select a meeting type, then click Edit from the Timeline tab of the Create Project dialog box or the Edit Project Settings dialog box.