Project Center Tenth Edition Help  


Project Center Administration Activity Center Indexing tab

Use this activity center to manage and configure Project Center and the indexing and filtering settings for its servers.

1   This activity center is only available to Project Center administrators. Administrators are listed in the Licensing tab. If no administrators are listed, all Project Center users have administrative privileges until the first administrator is added.

1   Switching tabs does not update the information in this activity center. Click the button to get the latest information.

The following list shows all available tasks for the Indexing tab.

     Access Newforma Support

Click to open the Newforma support website.

     Close Administration Console

Click to close this activity center and return to the My Project Center activity center.

Project Center Administration

Use the Indexing tab to customize the indexing settings for each Project Center Indexing Server.

Indexing Server

The indexing server takes the text extracted by the filtering servers (listed in the Filter Servers tab below) and puts it into the Project Center database.

Select the Project Center Indexing Server that you want to administer from the drop-down list . Any filtering servers that are configured to work with the Indexing Server selected here are configured at the same time.


Scopes tab

This section lists all of the scopes being indexed by the Project Center Server selected in the Indexing Server field above.

1   If a project is deleted, its scopes are automatically deleted.

1   If you add scopes that are not part of any project, be aware that Project Center automatically removes those scopes during the nightly maintenance tasks. For example, scopes added during the day to test something outside of a project will be removed that night and will no longer appear the next day.


This column lists the full UNC paths to the project folders that are being indexed.

Scan Mode

This column indicates the scan mode being performed.

  • Full indicates that all file system changes are reflected in the index (all files that are added, deleted, and modified).

  • Additive indicates all added or modified files are updated in the index, but not deleted files.  

  • NoScan indicates that no changes to the file system are updated in the index. The index will remain static once the indexing is completed until this value is changed.

Shared Index Data

This column indicates whether the index data is shared:

  • True indicates that the index data in the database is shared between two or more scopes.

  • False indicates that the index data in the database is used by only one scope and is not shared.


Click to open the Add a New Scope dialog box to add a new scope. This path must be a UNC path.


Click to remove the selected scope.

Change Scan Mode

Click to open the Change the Scan Mode for a Scope dialog box to modify the settings for the selected scope, as explained under Scan Mode above.


Click to open the Choose Server dialog box to choose an indexing server from which to import scopes to add them to the current indexing server.

Filter Servers tab

Filtering services perform the work for the indexing server. They are the processes that open all of the files and extract text from them. The indexing server then takes the extracted text and puts it into the database. You can install filtering services on as many machines as you want (one filtering service per machine). Each indexing server can have multiple filtering services performing work for it.

Select the Filter Server and Set Configuration Options Below

Select the filter server configuration (for the indexing server selected above) from the list that you want to configure.


Server Name

The name of the filter server.

Window Start

When the filtering process starts.

Window End

When the filtering process ends.

Last Contacted

The last time the filtering server contacted the indexing server.

Concurrent Operations

The number of filtering operations that are allowed to run at the same time.

Filter Timeout

The number of seconds allowed to filter a single file.

Files Before Restart

The number of files the filtering process filters until it stops running and is restarted.

Ignore Null IFilter

True indicates that the filtering server is ignoring the built-in NULL IFilter provided by Microsoft.


Click to open the Add a Filter Server Configuration dialog box to add a new filter server configuration. The name of the filtering server configuration must match the name of the machine the filtering service is running on.

1   The machines running filtering services will automatically be added to this list as soon as the filtering services contact the indexing server. They will be added with the default settings. You can use the Add a Filter Server Configuration dialog box to add servers to the list before the filtering services have been installed on them, which enables you to configure the filter service settings ahead of time. You can also use that dialog box to configure the filter service settings based on an existing server.


Click to delete the currently selected filtering service from the indexing server.


Ignore the NullFilter IFilter on this Server

Mark this checkbox to force the filtering service to ignore the built-in NULL IFilter provided by Microsoft.

Concurrent Filtering Operations Allowed

Enter the number of concurrent filtering operations that can run at the same time on the selected filtering server.

Seconds Allowed to Filter a Single File

Enter the number of seconds the filtering server is allowed to filter a file before it times out and moves on the next one.

Files to Filter Before Restarting a Filter Process

Enter the number of files a filtering process filters until it stops running. A new one is started immediately after one stops running. The number of filtering processes running is indicated in the Concurrent Filtering Operations Allowed field above.

Filtering Window

Enter the time range you want the filtering processes to run. Use this setting to control when the filtering service on the selected indexing server is operating (extracting text from files). Enter the same time in both fields to run the filtering operations continuously.

Limit File Filtering to the Following Namespaces

This field lists all known UNC namespaces for the folders that the filtering server recognizes, and whether the namespaces are filtered (text is extracted) by the selected filtering server. The filtering server automatically organizes and determines which namespaces to index. The filtering server will only extract text from files in scopes that appear within these namespaces as defined in the Scopes tab. Folders that are listed under Path in the Scopes tab but do not fall under one of the listed namespaces will not be filtered by this filtering server.

Mark the checkboxes of the namespaces you ant to filter (the Filtered value will change to Yes). Clear the checkboxes of the namespaces you do not want filtered (the Filtered value will change to No).

        If the namespace is filtered (Yes), then the filtering service will process files from that namespace.

        If No, the filtering service will not process the files in that namespace.

        If the values is Undetermined, the filtering server has not determined whether it can process files from that namespace based on a ping test for locality. You can change any of these settings by marking the corresponding checkboxes.

1   Filter servers will never index over a WAN.

Ignore Files that Match the Following Regex Patterns

This section contains a list of regular expressions used to identify text files that you do not want filtered. Project Center comes with two default entries - one for Windows Registry Editor files, and one for AutoDesk Revit log files.

1   This section applies only to text files. You must know how to write regular expressions to use this section.

Lines to Test

The number of lines the filtering service will attempt to match against the regular expression. For example, if the value entered is 2, the first two lines of the file will be checked to see if a match is found against the regular expression.

Regular Expressions to Match

The regular expression used to perform the match.


Click to open the Add a Text Exclusion dialog box to add a new regular expression text exclusion to the list.


Click to remove the selected regular expression text exclusion from the list.

Apply Changes to All

Click to apply the changes for only the fields that have been changed (the changed fields are highlighted). Important: When saved, the changes made to the highlighted fields are applied to all filter servers, not just the currently selected one.

Save Settings

Click to save the settings entered for the selected filter server. If the filter server does not yet exist, an entry is created for those settings.

Reprocessing Requests tab

Use this tab to re-index or re-scan files and folders in the project. For example, if you just installed a new IFilter for opening files that were not filtered previously, you would want to re-index those file types. All requests from this tab are executed with the highest priority and will pre-empt all other indexing work.

Select the Type of Request

Select the type of request to run from the drop-down list:

  • Choose Reindex Particular Files to re-index the selected files immediately. Re-indexing opens the files and extracts the text whether or not they have changed.

Selected Files

This field lists the files that you selected to be re-indexed.

Add Files to List

Click to open the Select Files to Add to the Reindexing Request dialog box to locate and select the files to re-index.

Remove Selected Files

Click to remove the selected files from the list.

  • Choose Reindex Particular Directories to re-index all files in the selected folders immediately. Re-indexing opens the files and extracts the text whether or not they have changed. Mark the Process All Subdirectories checkbox to re-index all files in all of the selected folder's subfolders.


Click Browse to locate the folder you want to re-index.

Selected Directories

This field lists the folders that you selected to be re-indexed.

Add Directory to List

Click to add the folder in the Directory field to this list to re-index it.

Remove Selected Directory

Click to remove the selected folder from the list.

Process All Subdirectories

Mark this checkbox to re-index all files in all subfolders under the selected folder.

  • Choose Reindex Particular File Types to re-index all files of the selected type immediately. Re-indexing opens the files and extracts the text whether or not they have changed.

1   When re-indexing particular file types, be aware that all files of that type will be re-indexed, which could take significant time depending on the number of files being re-indexed.

All Files of This Type Will be Reindexed

Enter the extensions of the file types you want re-indexed. Enter them in the following format: .doc .xls .dwg. dgn

  • Choose Reindex All files That Failed to Index to re-index all files that failed to index.

  • Choose Rescan Particular Directories to re-scan the selected folders for any changes immediately instead of waiting for the next scan. The scan mode is set in the Scopes tab. Mark the Process All Subdirectories checkbox to re-scan all files in all of the selected folder's subfolders.


Click Browse to locate the folder you want to re-scan.

Selected Directories

This field lists the folders that you selected to be re-scanned.

Add Directory to List

Click to add the folder in the Directory field to this list to re-scan it.

Remove Selected Directory

Click to remove the selected folder from the list.

Process All Subdirectories

Mark this checkbox to re-index all files in all subfolders under the selected folder.

Submit Request

Click to start the process.

Index Statistics tab

Show Statistics for the Entire Index

Choose this option to show the statistics for the entire index on the selected Indexing Server, which includes every project the Indexing Server manages. After you choose this option, you must click the Get Statistics button to view the statistics.

Show Statistics for a Specific Scope

Choose this option to show the statistics for a particular scope on the selected Indexing Server. After you choose this option, you must click the Get Statistics button to view the statistics.


This column lists the full UNC paths to the project folders that are being indexed.

Scan Mode

This column indicates the scan mode being performed.

  • Full indicates that all file system changes are reflected in the index (all files that are added, deleted, and modified).

  • Additive indicates all added or modified files are updated in the index, but not deleted files.  

  • NoScan indicates that no changes to the file system are updated in the index. The index will remain static once the indexing is completed until this value is changed.

Shared Index Data

This column indicates whether the index data is shared.

  • True indicates that the index data in the database is share between two or more scopes.

  • False indicates that the index data in the database is used by only one scope and is not shared.

Get Statistics

Click to populate the fields below to view the statistics for the entire index or a specific scope, depending on the option selected above.

Percent Indexed

The percentage of the files that are up-to-date in the index.

Search Indexes Built

The number of indexes that have been built on the text collected from the files in the index.

Percent of Failures

The percentage of files that failed to index properly.

Space Used in the Index

An estimate of the amount of disk space needed to store the indexed data for the entire index or a specific scope, depending on the option selected above.

Total Number of Files

The total number of files in the index or scope.

Number of Files to Index

The number of files that have not yet been updated.

Number of Files that Failed to Index

The number of files that failed to index properly.

Number of Files Marked do-not-Index

The number of files that are not indexed because the For Fast Searching, Allow Indexing Service to Index this File checkbox in the files's Advanced Attributes dialog box (accessed from the file's Properties dialog box)  is cleared.

Total Size of Files on Disk

The total size of the files in the index.

Index Size to File Size Ratio

The ratio of the size of the index to the size of the files the index was produced from.

1   The following fields appear only for the entire index, not per scope.

Documents Filtered Since Service Start

The number of documents that have been filtered since the Indexing Server was last started.

Documents Processed Per Minute

The number of files the Indexing Server processes per minute based on the last minute.

Documents Processed Per Hour

The number of files the Indexing Server processes per hour based on the last hour.

Characters Processed Per Minute

The number of indexable text characters the Indexing Server processes per minute based on the last minute.

Characters Processed Per Hour

The number of  indexable text characters the Indexing Server processes per hour based on the last hour.

Search Query tab

Use this tab to run sample queries against scopes in the index to diagnose any problems related to indexing.

Search Type

Select the type of search to perform.

  • Choose Contents to perform a normal search of all the files that were indexed. Enter the search phrase in the Search Phrase field.

  • Choose Directories with Max Path Violations to list directories that contain files or subfolders whose full paths are longer than allowed. This query is used by Project Center to identify projects with these violations and to identify them in the Project Files activity center so that they can be corrected by an administrator, as they will prevent Project Center from processing the files/folders whose paths are too long.

  • Choose Enumerate Files to list every file in the index for the selected scopes.

  • Choose File Names to perform a search against the file names of the files in the index, not their contents.

  • Choose Files by Filter Result to list all files with the selected filter results.

  • Choose Files by Last Write Time to search for files that were last modified within the selected time range.

  • Choose Files by Type to locate files by their extensions. Enter the extensions in the Extensions to Search field, such as .doc and .dwg.

  • Choose Files Using the Most Index Space to list the top 1000 files taking up the most space in the index for the selected scopes. Be aware that his query can take considerable time.

  • Choose Files with a Property to locate files with a particular Project Center property. This is used only by Newforma Support.

  • Choose File System Statistics to list the total file size, total number of files, and the last write time for the selected scopes.

  • Choose File System Statistics by File Type to list the total size and number of files in the selected scopes broken down by file type (extension). For example, it will indicate how many .msg files are in the selected scopes and what their total combined size on the disk is. It does this for every file type that the index knows about.

  • Choose Folder Names to perform a search against the folder names of the files in the index, not their contents.

  • Choose Folders Containing File Types to locate folders that contain one or more of the selected file types.

  • Choose Index Status of a File to return the indexing status of a particular file.


Mark the checkboxes of the scopes you want to include in the search query.


This column lists the full UNC paths to the project folders that are being indexed.

Scan Mode

This column indicates the scan mode being performed.

  • Full indicates that all file system changes are reflected in the index (all files that are added, deleted, and modified).

  • Additive indicates all added or modified files are updated in the index, but not deleted files.  

  • NoScan indicates that no changes to the file system are updated in the index. The index will remain static once the indexing is completed until this value is changed.

Shared Index Data

This column indicates whether the index data is shared.

  • True indicates that the index data in the database is share between two or more scopes.

  • False indicates that the index data in the database is used by only one scope and is not shared.

Search Phrase

Enter the phrase to search for in this field.

Submit Search Query

Click to execute the search query. The results appear in the Search Results field.

Choose Properties

Click to open the Choose Result Properties dialog box to select the properties you want this search query to return.

Search Results

The results of the search appear in this field. You can right-click on the selected files to copy them to the clipboard, copy them to the clipboard with quotes, locate them in File Explorer, reindex them immediately, or export the results to a .CSV file.

Filter All Columns

You can filter by any text that appears in any of the columns in the log. For example, if you know the name (or part of the name) of the file that you are searching for (or its last write time, size, or path), enter at least part of the text in this field. The results list updates automatically as you type. For example, if the file you are searching for has the number 30 somewhere in one of the columns, enter 30 in this field. The list will be narrowed down to only submittals that have the number 30 somewhere in one of the columns.

Click to toggle between showing and hiding the column filter fields.


Indexing diagram

The following diagram shows how the indexing and filter servers interact with each other.

Switching Project Center servers instantly

Click the icon in the lower left corner of the Project Center Administration activity center to switch the Project Center Server you are connected to. You can also type in the name of a server.  When a new project is opened or created, the server it is on is added to the list.

The home server location is determined by the name of the Project Center Server entered when Project Center was installed. This server is added to the registry. If your home location is not the same as the location of the Project Center Server for another project, it is not switched in the registry.


To access this activity center

Click Project Center Administration from the Tasks panel of the My Project Center activity center or from the Activities list, then click the Indexing tab.