Project Center Tenth Edition Help  


Extract Shared Folder Upload dialog box

Use this dialog box to select the files to extract to a project folder or document set. The listed files were added to a published folder on Info Exchange in a .ZIP file and need to be extracted to be available in Project Center.

Next Action

Mark the checkbox and select the next action to take from the drop-down list:

  • Choose Select the Destination Folder in Project Files to extract the files and go to the published folder in the Project Files activity center.

  • Choose Synchronize the Extracted Files with Info Exchange to open the Transfer to Info Exchange Options dialog box to edit the settings for the file transfer and publish the extracted files to Info Exchange so that they can be accessed by all users.

  • Choose Synchronize the Entire Shared Folder to open the Transfer to Info Exchange Options dialog box to edit the settings for the file transfer and republish the entire project folder or document set to Info Exchange. The Summary of Included Files and References dialog box opens so you can select which files to republish.


Click to open the Create a Report dialog box to select the type of shared folder upload extraction report to create.


Click to continue the file extraction process.


To access this dialog box

This dialog box opens when you click OK from the Receive Shared Folder Upload dialog box.