Newforma Info Exchange Tenth Edition Help  


How To                                                                                                                             


Access projects in the Newforma Model Viewer

Access Info Exchange from an iPad

Add a company

Add a connection to Newforma ID

Add a contact

Add a daily report

Add a document set

Add a field note

Add a new stamp

Add a site visit

Add an action item

Add an image to a markup

Add new project team members

Add a project team group

Add projects to the My Projects tab

Assign different templates

Assign users rights in the Newforma Model Viewer

Clear the cache in your browser

Close an action item

Complete a pricing item on a potential change order

Complete a review

Configure Info Exchange for multiple languages

Configure cloud delivery for your profile

Configure Info Exchange widgets

Copy transfers to your cloud storage account

Create a global template for the Project Home page

Create a Newforma ID

Create a new markup session

Create a related project item for a field note

Create a custom Info Exchange widget

Customize the project export from Revit to the Newforma Model Viewer


Download attached files

Download files from a shared folder

Download files from Info Exchange

Drag and drop files in a transfer

Edit stamp contents

Enable external users to mark up documents

Enable JavaScript in your browser

Enable cookies in your browser

Expand the Newforma Web Viewer side panel

Export a log to a spreadsheet

Export a project from Revit to the Newforma Model Viewer

Export a markup to PDF

Export the project calendar to Outlook

Filter and sort logs

Finalize a site visit

Forward or respond to an email message


Get started with mobile apps

Install Microsoft Silverlight to enable multi-file uploading

Install the AutoCAD and Revit exporters

Install the Newforma Model Viewer



Make a project center project and its activity centers available on Info Exchange

Markup a drawing or image on Info Exchange

Modify an action item

Modify a company profile

Modify a contact

Modify a daily report

Modify a field note

Modify a project team group

Modify a project team member

Modify a site visit

Modify the supplied Microsoft Word stamp or create a new Word template

Modify your profile

Open form as PDF


Receive transferred files

Recommend changes to a record document

Recommend changes to a sketch

Relate a field note to an observation

Remove projects from the My Project tab

Request expired files

Respond to a file transfer request

Respond to a pricing item


Save markup

Search project files and items

Select an image to place on a markup

Select an interface language

Select the basic uploader

Send a change order proposal

Send a response to a contract item

Send a submittal

Send an email message to a project team member

Send an expected submittal

Send an RFI

Set up action items

Set up addendums

Set up bulletins

Set up change order proposals

Set up change orders

Set up construction change directives

Set up contracts

Set up cost codes

Set up daily reports

Set up document sets

Set up field notes

Set up file transfers

Set up markup sessions

Set up meeting minutes

Set up model views

Set up potential change orders

Set up proposal requests

Set up punch lists

Set up record documents

Set up RFIs

Set up shared folders

Set up site visits

Set up sketches and supplemental drawings

Set up the spatial index

Set up submittals

Set up supplemental instructions

Set up the Newforma Model Viewer

Set up the project calendar

Set up the project team

Transfer files to other project team members

Update projects in the Newforma Model Viewer

Update punch lists and communicate the changes

Update the Newforma Model Viewer

Upload files to an Info Exchange folder

Upload files to the Info Exchange folder page

Use Help

Use Newforma Web Viewer/Markups

Use the Newforma Model Viewer


View a potential change order

View a pricing item

View contract details

View cost code details

View cost codes

View supporting documents

Zip files to transfer them